
Read all of the latest news from Marlin Environmental.

Marlins Actions on Coronavirus

Marlin are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all in relation to the business, and with this blog post we hope to shed some light on how Marlin are tackling the coronavirus outbreak, alongside expectations that are placed upon employees, customer and suppliers. We aim to still focus on the core business!

Marlin are currently open for business as usual and where feasible we are aiming to have employees work from home during this period, while taking extra precautions in our operations sites as recommended by the government.

Infection Control Measures

 We strongly encourage all to follow these guidelines from the World Health Organisation on infection control, both whilst at work and in their daily lives. This includes:

  • frequently cleaning their hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
  • when coughing and sneezing, covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, throwing this tissue away immediately and washing their hands
  • avoiding close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough

Our training centres remain open as normal but if you display symptoms of the virus, you must follow government guidance to find out what to do next.

Please do not attend the centre for your course. Telephone us on 01243 513657 and we will rearrange your course free of charge.

Business Travel

We will consider every business trip that is planned for the near future and identify if alternatives to making the trip can be considered, where possible. This may include postponing the trip or holding meetings via other means such as Skype.

The situation is currently very fluid, but we hope this sheds some light on what we aim to do as a business and will keep everyone posted on this situation via our website and social media.